Calibrating Heston to Variance Swaps - a bad idea?
Monotonicity of the Black-Scholes Option Prices in Practice
Copilot vs ChatGPT on the Optimal Finite Difference Step-Size
News on the COS Method Truncation
Variance Swap Term-Structure under Schobel-Zhu
New Basket Expansions and Cash Dividends
New Approximations for the Prices of Asian and basket Options
Easy Mistake With the Log-Euler Discretization On Black-Scholes
Roughness of Pure Jumps
Roughness of Stochastic Volatility with Jumps
Measuring Roughness with Julia
Black with Bachelier
Clenshaw-Curtis Quadrature Implementation by FFT in Practice
Ghost Vacations
Maximum Implied Variance Slope
The Return of the Arbitrage in the Perfect Volatility Surface
Princeton Fintech and Quant conference of December 2022
Roughness of the Implied Volatility
Volatility: Rough or Not? A Short Review
Monte-Carlo Parallelization: to vectorize or not?
More Automatic Differentiation Awkwardness
Quadprog in Julia
Positive Stochastic Collocation
Remarkable Coincidences, Bad Book?
More on random number generators
The war of the random number generators
Sobol with 64-bits integers
March 9, 2020 crash - where will CAC40 go?
Numba, Pypy Overrated?
Fixing NaNs in Quadprog
On the Probability of a Netflix Stock Crash
On the Probability of a TSLA Stock Crash
The Fourth Moment of the Normal SABR Model
Implying the Probability Density from Market Option Prices (Part 2)
Implying the Probability Density from Market Option Prices
Where is the S&P 500 going to end?
Discrete Sine Transform via the FFT
Quantitative Finance Books Citing My Papers
Blogs on Quantitative Finance
Typo in Hyman non-negative constraint - 28 years later
Implied Volatility from Black-Scholes price
The VIX starts smiling
When SVI Breaks Down
Brownian Bridge and Discrete Random Variables
A new scheme for Heston - Part 2
Equivalence between floating-strike and fixed-strike Asian options
Bachelier Normal Volatility Asymptotics
A new scheme for Heston
Andreasen-Huge interpolation - Don't stay flat
Put-Call parity and the log-transformed Black-Scholes PDE
Benaim et al. extrapolation does not work on equities
AES for Monte-Carlo
Number of regressors in a BSDE
Shooting arbitrage - part II
Shooting arbitrage - part I
Dearbitraging a weak smile on SVI with Damghani's method
Arbitrage in Zeliade's SVI example
Dupire Local Volatility with Cash Dividends Part 2
Dupire Local Volatility with Cash Dividends
SVI, SABR, or parabola on AAPL?
Adaptive Filon quadrature for stochastic volatility models
Least Squares Rational Function
Least Squares Spline for Volatility Interpolation
The Mystic Parabola
Yahoo Finance Implied Volatility
Linear and Flat forward interpolation with cash dividends
Go for Monte-Carlo
Bumping Correlations
Andreasen Huge extrapolation
Unintuitive behavior of the Black-Scholes formula - negative volatilities in displaced diffusion extrapolation
Square Root Crank-Nicolson
Decoding Hagan's arbitrage free SABR PDE derivation
Matching Hagan PDE SABR with the one-step Andreasen-Huge SABR
Modern Programming Language for Monte-Carlo
Volatility Swap vs Variance Swap Replication - Truncation
Arbitrage free SABR with negative rates - alternative to shifted SABR
Variance swaps on a foreign asset
Jumps impact: Variance swap vs volatility swap
Variance Swap Replication : Discrete or Continuous?
Monte Carlo & Inverse Cumulative Normal Distribution
Local Stochastic Volatility - Particles and Bins
Flat Volatility Surfaces & Discrete Dividends
Machine Learning & Quantitative Finance
Pseudo-Random vs Quasi-Random Numbers
Integrating an oscillatory function
The elusive reference: the Lamperti transform
Barrier options under negative rates: complex numbers to the rescue
Initial Guesses for SVI - A Summary
Asymptotic Behavior of SVI vs SABR
SVI and long maturities issues
More SVI Initial Guesses
Another SVI Initial Guess
New SABR Formulae
Heston or Schobel-Zhu issues with short expiries
Moore-Penrose Inverse & Gauss-Newton SABR Minimization
On the importance of accuracy for bpvol solvers
Two SABR for the same smile
Heston vs SABR slice by slice fit
Quadratic Spline with Knots at Mid-Points
Non-linear Option Pricing
Building a more accurate basis point volatility formula
Fast and Accurate Implied Volatility Solver
Arbitrage Free Interpolation of Option Prices using Piecewise Constant Density
C2 Arbitrage Free Interpolation with Tension Splines
Bachelier and Black-Scholes Fits of the Volatility Surface, what about SABR?
Arbitrage Free Wiggles
Adjoint Delta for Monte-Carlo
SVI on top of SABR
Smart Initial Guess for Schobel-Zhu
A Look at Small Time Expansions for Heston
A Small-Time Schobel-Zhu Expansion
Brownian Bridge or Not with Heston Quadratic Exponential QMC
Adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation for Black-Scholes
Placing the Strike on the Grid and Payoff Smoothing in Finite Difference Methods for Vanilla Options
Coordinate Transform of the Andreasen Huge SABR PDE & Spline Interpolation
Levenberg Marquardt & Constraints by Domain Transformation
Arbitrage Free SABR - Another View on Hagan Approach
American Option on Forward/Futures
Spikes in Heston/Schobel-Zhu Local Volatility
Local Stochastic Volatility with Monte-Carlo
Heston, Schobel-Zhu, Bates, Double-Heston Fit
Second Cumulant of Heston
Maxima for Symbolic Calculus
Making Classic Heston Integration Faster than the Cos Method
Attari, Lord-Kahl & Cos Methods Comparison on Heston
Julia and the Cumulative Normal Distribution
The COS method for Heston
Octave vs Scilab for PDEs in Finance
The CUDA Performance Myth II
Bessel and Harmonic Kinks in the Forward
The Finite Difference Theta Scheme Optimal Theta
Akima for Yield Curve Interpolation ?
2 Ways for an Accurate Barrier with Finite Difference
SABR with the new Hagan PDE Approach
SABR with Andreasen-Huge
Large Steps in Schobel-Zhu/Heston the Lazy Way
Exact Forward in Monte-Carlo
Quasi Monte Carlo in Finance
Upper Bounds in American Monte-Carlo
Quasi Monte-Carlo & Longstaff-Schwartz American Option price
A Fast Exponential Function in Java
Root finding in Lord Kahl Method to Compute Heston Call Price (Part III)
Root finding in Lord Kahl Method to Compute Heston Call Price (Part II)
Root finding in Lord Kahl Method to Compute Heston Call Price
From Double Precision Normal Density to Double Precision Cumulative Normal Distribution
Cracking the Double Precision Gaussian Puzzle
A Double Precision Puzzle with the Gaussian
A Seasoned Volatility Swap
A Volatility Swap and a Straddle
Local Volatility Delta & Dynamic
GPU computing in Finance
Binary Voting
Adaptive Quadrature for Pricing European Option with Heston
Gnome Shell more stable than Unity on Ubuntu 12.04
Why primitive arrays matter in Java
KDE 4.8 finally has a dock
Generating random numbers following a given discrete probability distribution
Quant Interview & Education
Gnome 3 not so crap after all
Good & Popular Algorithms are Simple
exp(y*log(x)) Much Faster than Math.pow(x,y)
SIMD and Mersenne-Twister
XORWOW L'ecuyer TestU01 Results
The CUDA Performance Myth
Another Look at Java Matrix Libraries
Street Fighting Mathematics Book
double[][] Is Fine
The Pain of Java Matrix Libraries