Machine Learning & Quantitative Finance

There is an interesting course on Machine Learning on Coursera, it does not require much knowledge and yet manages to teach quite a lot.

I was struck by the fact that most techniques and ideas apply also to problems in quantitative finance.

It’s also interesting to hear the teacher repeating that people should not try possible improvements at random (often because they have only one idea) but analyze before what makes the most sense. And that can imply digging in the details, looking at what’s going on 100 samples.

While it sounds like a straightforward remark, I have found that people (including myself) tend to do the same mistakes in finance. We might use some quadrature, find out it does not perform that well in some cases, replace it with another one that behaves a bit better, without investigating the real issue: why does the first quadrature break? is the new quadrature really fixing the issue?


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