News on the COS Method Truncation

The COS method is a fast way to price vanilla European options under stochastic volatility models with a known characteristic function. There are alternatives, explored in previous blog posts. A main advantage of the COS method is its simplicity. But this comes at the expense of finding the correct values for the truncation level and the (associated) number of terms.

A related issue of the COS method, or its more fancy wavelet cousin the SWIFT method, is to require a huge (>65K) number of points to reach a reasonable accuracy for some somewhat extreme choices of Heston parameters. I provide an example in a recent paper (see Section 5).

Gero Junike recently wrote several papers on how to find good estimates for those two parameters. Gero derives a slightly different formula for the put option, by centering the distribution on \( \mathbb{E}[\ln S] \). It is closer to my own improved COS formula, where I center the integration on the forward. The estimate for the truncation is larger than the one we are used to (for example using the estimate based on 4 cumulants of Mike Staunton), and the number of points is very conservative.

The bigger issue with this new estimate, is that it relies on an integration of a function of the characteristic function, very much like the original problem we are trying to solve (the price of a vanilla option). This is in order to estimate the \( ||f^{(20)}||_{\infty} \). Interestingly, evaluating this integral is not always trivial, the double exponential quadrature in Julia fails. I found that reusing the transform from \( (0,\infty) \) to (-1,1) of Andersen and Lake along with a Gauss-Legendre quadrature on 128 points seemed to be ok (at least for some values of the Heston parameters, it may be fragile, not sure).

While very conservative, it seems to produce the desired accuracy on the extreme example mentioned in the paper, it leads to N=756467 points and a upper truncation at b=402.6 for a relative tolerance of 1E-4. Of course, on such examples the COS method is not fast anymore. For comparison, the Joshi-Yang technique with 128 points produces the same accuracy in 235 μs as the COS method in 395 ms on this example, that is a factor of 1000 (on many other examples the COS method behaves significantly better of course).

Furthermore, as stated in Gero Junike’s paper, the estimate fails for less smooth distributions such as the one of the Variance Gamma (VG) model.


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