Bye Bye Firefox

I have been a long user of Firefox, mostly thanks to the adblock extension. But recently, Firefox decided to change the way arrows work on the web pages, they don’t make the page scroll anymore. Meanwhile Chrome has now a good adblock plugin (that filters ads on load, not after load like it use to be) and is really much much faster than Firefox. So there is no more reason not to use it.

Hello Chrome, bye bye Firefox. Google has won the web browsers war.

Diffusion Limited Aggregation Applet

Yes, I wrote an applet. I know it is very 1990s but, amazingly, it still does the job quite well. Ok, next time I should really use Flash to do this.

The Applet simulates Diffusion Limited Aggregation as described in Chaos And Fractals from Peitgen, Juergens, and Saupe. It represents ions randomly wandering around (in a Brownian motion) until they are caught by an attractive force in electrochemical deposition experiment. This kind of phenomenon occurs at all scales, for example it happens in the distribution of galaxies. You can play around with the applet at

Java & 3D Surface

I have been looking all around the web for a Java library that can draw a simple 3D surface. And I did not find any. Most charting library, including the well known JFreeChart, can only draw 2D charts.

I am quite shocked that something that has been in Excel for 15 years is still not available in Java. And it’s not easy to make your own.

double[][] Is Fine

In my previous post, I suggest that keeping a double[] performs better than keeping a double[][] if you do matrix multiplications and other operations.

This is actually not true. I benchmarked 3 libraries, Colt (uses double[]), Apache Commons Math (uses double[][]) and Jama (uses double[][] cleverly). At first it looks like Jama has a similar performance as Colt (they avoid [][] slow access by a clever algorithm). But once hotspot hits, the difference is crazy and Jama becomes the fastest (Far ahead).

JDK 1.6.0 Linux 1000x1000 matrix multiplication on Intel Q6600
loop indexColtCommons MathJama
We don't include matrix construction time, and fetching the result. Only the multiplication is taken into account.

The difference is less pronounced on smaller matrices, but still there. Jama looks very good in this simple test case. In more real scenarios, the difference is not so obvious. For example Commons Math SVD is faster than Jama one.

The Pain of Java Matrix Libraries

Looking for a good Java Matrix (and actually also math) library, I was a bit surprised to find out there does not seem to be any really serious one still maintained.

Sure, there is Apache Commons Math, but it is still changing a lot, and it is not very performance optimized yet, while it has been active for several years already. There is also Java3D, it does Matrix through GMatrix, but not much linear algebra and if you look at their implementation, it is very basic, not performance oriented.

The other candidates seem to be 1-man projects that can disappear any other day (some of them look quite good like ojalgo, most of them are not interesting). Then you also have the serious but not maintained anymore Cern Colt library.

Compared to C/C++, the Java world is worrying if you want to do maths.

In those libraries, a dense matrix of double can be implemented two ways:

  • by maintaining internally a double[][]. Usually those libraries allow for not copying the array, so it can be neat if your interfaces have this kind of arrays.
  • by maintaining internally a double[]. The reason is for performance, but then each time you build a matrix from a double[][], an expensive copy will happen. So you need to use the Matrix object in your interfaces instead of double[][].

This is a pain because you can be very quickly stuck in one or the other Matrix library. A “solution” is to have your own interface, but that is a pain to write. There is UJMP, but it can hide some important methods (like transpose and multiply in one go from Colt or the ability to reuse an existing matrix in various operations to avoid allocating new memory), it is a students project (like parallel colt), but if it was a standard, it could be much more interesting.

In summary it does really look like scientific people, universities don’t use Java for computation otherwise Colt surely would have been maintained.

Java Calendar Is Broken On JVM Upgrade

We ran into an interesting issue with TimeZone and Dates. If you print the same date on different JVMs, it might show a different printed date.

The reason behind this is the daylight saving time conventions. An old JVM won't necessarily have the same daylight saving time for a given TimeZone than a latest JVM, and therefore will interpret the date differently.

Here is the output of a very simple program on 2 different JVMs. The number is the long number used to represent the date. I only use SimpleDateFormat with different TimeZone:

JVM 1.5.0_12
loading date=Sat Jul 18 06:59:36 CEST 2009, number=1247893176505
using formatter in EST: 7/17/09 11:59 PM
using formatter in Asia/Singapore: 7/18/09 12:59 PM

JVM 1.5.0_20
loading date=Sat Jul 18 06:59:36 CEST 2009, number=1247893176505
using formatter in EST: 7/18/09 12:59 AM
using formatter in Asia/Singapore: 7/18/09 12:59 PM

The source code:

public class DateBug {

private static String FILE_NAME = "datebug.txt";

public static void load() throws IOException {
FileReader fr = new FileReader(FILE_NAME);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String l = br.readLine();
long time = new Long(l);
Date d = new Date(time);
System.out.println("loading date="+d+", number="+d.getTime());
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat();
System.out.println("using formatter in EST: "+formatter.format(d));
System.out.println("using formatter in Asia/Singapore: "+formatter.format(d));

public static void saveNew() throws IOException {
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST"));
c.set(2009, 06, 17, 23, 59);
Date d = c.getTime();
System.out.println("saving date="+d+", number="+d.getTime());
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat();
System.out.println("using formatter in EST: "+formatter.format(d));
System.out.println("using formatter in Asia/Singapore: "+formatter.format(d));

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(FILE_NAME);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw);

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.out.println("JVM "+System.getProperty("java.version"));
if (args.length == 1) {
if (args[0].equals("save")) {
} else {
What does this mean? This means that if you entered in a GUI in the first JVM a particular date & time using EST time zone. This will change when you read back in the second JVM.
This suggests that if you want to keep the same dates, you are better off saving in UTC where daylight saving time is not used and trick DateFormat. But I have to say this looks quite ugly.

Implicit Finite Differences Method For Pricing Barrier Option

While trying to price a simple knock down and out barrier option, I encountered several difficulties I did not expect with the implicit finite differences method. The explicit method has less issues with barrier options pricing. I will show here what the tricky parts are and why explicit seems simpler in this case.

The full article is here (pdf) or here (html) (the later is not very well formatted).

Algorithms used in this article can be found at

Pulseaudio Nightmares - Pure ALSA to the Rescue

In the latest stable Ubuntu (9.04), pulseaudio still does not work reliably on my hardware (intel HDA with digital SPDIF out). I upgraded to 9.10 and had even more problems. Sound always worked on boot, but often broke down after a while. And I could not find easy ways to make it work other than rebooting... Killing/restarting pulseaudio, looking at the processes using snd did not work.

One thing works wonderfully, pure ALSA. To have multilple apps sharing ALSA, I just use dmix. As I use digital out, there is no mixer, but ALSA can provide one through softvol. It works really well. ALSA is already not that simple to configure/setup properly, but with pulseaudio on top, welcome to your worst configuration nightmares.

Here is the .asoundrc I use:
pcm.amix {
type dmix
ipc_key 50557
slave {
pcm "hw:0,1"
period_time 0
period_size 1024
buffer_size 8192
bindings {
0 0
1 1

pcm.softvol {
type softvol
slave {
pcm "amix" #redirect the output to dmix (instead of "hw:0,0")
control {
name "PCM" #override the PCM slider to set the softvol volume level globally
card 0

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "softvol" #make use of softvol

Java int Overflow Behavior

A coworker recently asked me if there was a guaranteed behavior in the case of int overflow. He gave the specific example on:

can we rely that int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1 is the same for every JVM on any platform?

I thought the answer would be easy to find in the Java specifications document. But I was wrong. It is not clearly defined.

I found a trick that suggests this behavior is indeed standard and will stay the same, it is related to type casting. Java guarantees that the cast of a long just truncates the long to int precision. Therefore if

long l = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
l = l +1;
x = (int)l;

x has a guaranteed value. paragraph 5.1.3.

Static Fields and Inheritance

Someone asked me recently to find out the real reason why the code from this thread fails. This is a fairly bad code, and not even a very good way to point out the problem. But the question is nonetheless interesting.

class Toto extends TotoParent{

final static Toto a = new Toto ("a");

public Toto(String a){

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public abstract class TotoParent {

static List list = new ArrayList();

public TotoParent(String a) {

protected static List get() {
return list;


import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class TotoTest {

public void testGet(){
assertEquals(1, Toto.get().size());
I am quite used to static initialization, and would have answered the same as the first answer in the thread:
"Get is static and associated with TotoParent, so that is the same as calling TotoParent.get().size()". I would have even thought that the compiler would compile the call Toto.get() to TotoParent.get(). But running javap, you can see it is still compiled as TotoParent.get(). So there is still a lookup done. This is why the first answer is actually not that correct.

The important bit here is that Toto is never initialized, even if we call Toto.get(). The java specs (invaluable reference) explains clearly that calling a static method not declared in the class does not initialize the class.

Calling Toto.get() is not exactly the same as calling TotoParent.get().
If TotoParent.get() called another TotoSuperParent.get():
Toto.get() -> TotoParent.get() -> TotoSuperParent.get()
We compile then later we change to make TotoParent have a specific implementation of get(). Toto will then be automatically aware of it, without even recompiling it.
paragraph 12.4.1

